Indonesia Premiere – Kabin Kiara
14 December 2022
Flix Cinema Astha 8 SCBD Lantai 2
Tammya Ayu Purnomo and Diana Dellaria Bayu (CASE ID), Yusuf Suryanto (KTI - Bappenas RI), Amanda Valani (Narasi TV), Gandabhaskara (GIZ ID/ASEAN & Timor Leste)
Through this event, we want to invite all participants to watch both Kiara’s videos and discuss adopting a sustainable lifestyle, and how the younger generation may or can contribute to take action to support Indonesian energy transition especially post G20 Summit in Bali. Additionally, we also want to help empowering general public with a better understanding of the benefits and impacts of an energy transition as well as with recommendations on how they can trigger (or participate in) a debate with energy stakeholders, influence their position, and proactively support energy transition.