About IESR
Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR)
Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) is a think-tank in the field of energy and environment, IESR encourage transformation into a low carbon energy system by advocating a public policy that rests on data-driven and scientific studies, conducting capacity development assistance, and establishing strategic partnerships with non-governmental actors
Vision and Mision
Building a world that is better, more sustainable, low-carbon oriented, and able to provide clean, sustainable energy for future generations.
Encouraging the acceleration of Indonesia’s energy transition towards a just, clean, and low-carbon energy system.
Ministry of Development Planning of Indonesia, particularly Directorate Electricity,Telecommunications and Informatics.
Directorate of Electricity, Telecommunications
and Informatics
based on Regulation of the Minister of National Development Planning /Bappenas No.14/2020 concerning Organization and Work Procedures of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas
Article 138
Coordinate and control the development of electric power
The Directorate of Electricity, Telecommunications and Information Technology has the task of coordinating, formulating and implementing policies, as well as monitoring, evaluating, and controlling national development plans in the fields of electricity, telecommunications, and informatics.
Article 139
In carrying out the tasks as referred to in Article 138, the Directorate of Electricity, Telecommunications and Information Technology carries out the following functions:
- Reviewing, coordinating, and formulating policies in the field of national development planning, national development strategies, policy directions, as well as the development of regulatory, institutional and funding frameworks in the fields of electricity, telecommunications, and informatics;
- Reviewing, coordinating, and elaborating macro and regional economic frameworks in the fields of electricity, telecommunications, and informatics;
- Coordinating and synchronizing the implementation of national development planning and budgeting policies in the fields of electricity, telecommunications, and informatics;
- Preparation of a holistic integrated national development plan in the fields of electricity, telecommunications, and information technology in the context of determining programs and activities of Ministries/Institutions/Regional;
- Coordinating and controlling national development plans in the context of synergy between the Government Work Plan and the Draft State Revenue and Expenditure Budget in the fields of electricity, telecommunications, and informatics;
- Coordinating the launching and acceleration of the implementation of development programs and activities in the fields of electricity, telecommunications, and information technology;
- Monitoring, evaluating, and controlling the implementation of development programs and activities in the fields of electricity, telecommunications, and information technology;
- Implementation of evaluation and reporting on the implementation of tasks and functions of national development planning in the fields of electricity, telecommunications, and information technology;
- Coordinating the implementation of the activities of functional officials according to their assignments; and
- Implementation of other functions assigned by the Deputy for Facilities and Infrastructure.