

Philippines Activities

Projected activities for the immediate future focus primarily on two main things: Research+ Repackaging of Evidence and Communication strategy

1. Research and Repackaging of evidence involve taking stock of current body

Research and Repackaging of evidence involve taking stock of current body of knowledge on renewable energy, with a specific focus on multi-discipinary developments in the Philippine R.E. sector

Recent CASE PH activities involve generating a baseline picture of the R.E. sector using an internally developed Tracking Tool. This tool employs a set of metrics to derive a normalized score, giving the ability for intercomparison among other CASE countries. Initial results show that the Philippine R.E. sector has it’s strengths in the legal architecture supporting the sectorr. However, challenges lie in developing and sustaining a conducive environment that balances the interests of all stakeholders.

Activities to focus on the next few months is the derisking activity where the team explores approachies to derisk R.E. on the financial, economic and other sectors. Major component of the derisking is three pronged- first is to identify the main risks and barriers that negatively affect financial costs of R.E. projects in the Philippines. Second is to identify and assess existing instruments that increase risk-return of medium investment and lastly, promote the best-performing derisking instruments and how to develop these further.

Other research initiatives such as the “long term energy scenario (LTES) and Cobenefit analysis are now in its initial stages (i.e. data preparation, strategization and division of labor among team members)

2. Communications are closely linked with research and packaging of evidence.

Communications are closely linked with research and packaging of evidence. Recent weeks have seen intensive strategization and planning among communication support team and PH team. Focus is placed in finding the best way to repackage evidence by revealing gaps in the discourse in order to fill in these. The team is also exploring complimentary methodologies to compliment the overall strategy.

Examples of completed activities involve the Meta-Study that compherensively describes the current state of the Philippine R.E. Sector. This document provied a system-wide view of the components of the sector.