Post Survey – FGD on the Preparation of Academic Paper on National Energy Policy (KEN) Post Evaluation Survey FGD Untuk Mendukung Pencapaian Target RPP KEN dan Persiapan R-RUENPost Event Evaluation SurveyTerima kasih telah menghadiri acara “FGD Untuk Mendukung Pencapaian Target RPP KEN dan Persiapan R-RUEN”. Mohon kesediaan Anda untuk mengisi survey evaluasi ini untuk membantu kami memantau jangkauan proyek kami dengan lebih baik.First NameLast NameEmailMobile PhoneOrganisation What is the nature of your organisation? | Identify your organization affiliation from the list below Government (e.g. Line Ministries, OJK, BRIN) Technical Academic Institution/researcher/academia (e.g. LPPM, Universities) Private sector (e.g. Private, PT PLN, PT SMI, KADIN) CSO/NGO Other sectors/private citizen Is your organisation contributing to the energy sector? Yes NoGender Male Female Prefer not to say Age <25 years old 25-55 years >55 years oldAfter the seminar/workshop/event, do you have a better understanding of the energy transition, related opportunities and its contribution in the context of the Paris Agreement? Agree DisagreePlease indicate your stance on the following statement: “I am committed to work for a change in policy towards a clean, affordable and secure energy transition”? Agree DisagreeSubmit Form