Post-Evaluation Event Survey: CASE Public Discussion How regional Government in Kalimantan accelerate energy transition through RUED implementation 01/08/202308/08/2023 EventSurveyRUEDDiscussion Event evaluation form - RUED Public DiscussionThank you for attending CASE Public Discussion: How Regional Government in Kalimantan Accelerate Energy Transition through RUED implementation. To download all the presentation materials, please fill the evaluation survey below Kindly tell us a little about yourselfNameEmailGender Male Female Prefer not to sayAge Group <25 years old 25-55 years old >55 years oldOrganisationWhat is the nature of your organisation Government Think-Thank/Academic Institution/Research Institute Private Sector NGO/LSM International Organisation Mass Media/News Office OthersIs your organisation contributing to the energy sector? Yes NoEvent evaluationAre you familiar with the concept of Rencana Umum Energi Daerah (RUED) Yes NoAfter the seminar/workshop/event, do you have a better understanding of the energy transition, related to the regional energy plan to support energy transition in Indonesia? Strongly agree Partly agree Partly disagree Strongly disagreeDo you believe that Regional Energy Planning (RUED) can play a significant role in expediting the energy transition in Kalimantan? Yes No UnsureWhich of the following do you consider as the most critical challenges in achieving an effective energy transition in Kalimantan? (Select all that apply) Limited renewable energy infrastructureDependence on fossil fuelsLack of government supportHigh initial costs of transitioning to renewable energy sourcesPublic resistance to changeLack of awareness and education on energy transitionIf you choose others, please specify (write XXX if you don't choose others)What key benefits do you think RUED can bring to the energy transition process? (Select all that apply) Optiimal utilization of renewable energy resourcesImproved energy efficiency in the regionReduced greenhouse gas emissionsEconomic growth and job creationIf you choose others, please specify (write XXX if you don't choose others)How important do you think it is to involve the public in the decision-making process of RUED and the energy transition? Extremely important Very important Important Not importantSubmit Form share tweet share share email
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