Post Event Survey: CASE Energy Campaigners Networking – Making Energy Transition Campaign Appealing for Youth 21/08/202322/08/2023 Event evaluation form - CASE Energy Transition Digital Campaign NetworkingThank you for attending CASE Energy Campaigners Networking: Making Energy Transition Campaign Appealing for YouthThank you for attending our Energy Campaigners Networking: Making Energy Transition Campaign Appealing for Youth. Please provide your honest opinions and insights. Your responses will be used for research purposes onlySection 1: General Information NameEmailGender Male Female Prefer not to sayAge <25 years old 25-55 years old >55 years oldOrganisationWhat is the nature of your organisation Government Think-Thank/Academic Institution/Research Institute Private Sector NGO/LSM International Organisation Mass Media/News Office OthersIs your organisation contributing to the energy sector? Yes NoSection 2: Awareness and Perception7. How would you rate your knowledge about the energy transition including goals set by the Indonesian government? Very knowledgeable Somewhat knowledgeable Not very knowledgeable Not knowledgeable at all 8. After the event, do you have a better understanding of the Indonesian commitment to energy transition? Strongly agree Partly agree Partly disagree Strongly disagree9. Do you think the youth have an important role for advocate the issue of energy transition? Yes No10. How effective do you think the current strategic communication and campaign have been in advocating the issue of energy transition? Very effective Somewhat effective Neutral Somewhat ineffective Very ineffective11. In your view, which of the following areas should be the top priorities for Indonesia energy transition action during this period? (Select up to three)Renewable energy adoptionDeforestation and land degradation reductionCarbon pricing and tradingAdaptation to climate impactsGreen infrastructure developmentPromoting sustainable energyEncouraging electric mobilityInternational climate diplomacySection 3: Event Evaluation 12. To what extent do you think that the topic of campaign networking is useful for raising awareness about the current trend and voices of energy transition? Very useful Somewhat useful Neutral Somewhat not useful Strongly not useful How would you rate of Discussion Session Excellent Good Fair Poor Very PoorSubmit Form share tweet share share email