GasLens: Roles of gas towards carbon neutrality in Thailand Surveys 17/06/202417/06/2024 Date : 18 June 2024 Time: 08:30 – 16:00 Post Evaluation Survey: GasLens: Roles of gas towards carbon neutrality in ThailandThank you for attending the public forum “GasLens: Roles of gas towards carbon neutrality in Thailand”Full Name (Optional)Gender Male Female Prefer not to sayAge <25 years old 25-55 years old >55 years oldOrganisation, institution, or departmentWhat is the nature of your organisation? Government Private sector Academia OtherIf other, please specifyAre you in the energy sector? Yes NoAfter the event, do you have a better understanding of the energy transition, related opportunities and its contribution in the context of the Paris Agreement? Strongly agree Partly agree Neither agree nor disagree Partly disagree Strongly disagreePlease indicate your stance on the following statement: “I am committed to work for a change in policy towards a clean, affordable and secure energy transition”? Strongly agree Partly agree Neither agree nor disagree Partly disagree Strongly disagreePlease indicate your stance on the following statement: “Your organisation is committed to support a change in policy towards increased ambition for a clean, affordable and secure energy transition”? Strongly agree Partly agree Neither agree nor disagree Partly disagree Strongly disagree If you answered ‘partly disagree’ or ‘strongly disagree’ to any of the above questions, please kindly elaborate more details for our better understanding.Further comments or suggestions for the future activitiesSubmit Form share tweet share share email
Surveys Post-event Evaluation Survey: Europe and Thailand in transition – sharing energy policy perspectives on the road to climate neutrality
Surveys แบบประเมินการเข้าร่วมงานประชุมกลุ่มย่อย (Focus Group) สำหรับการศึกษาหัวข้อ Recommended policy and regulation pertaining Agrivoltaics in Thailand