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Protected: Presentation Materials: CASE Hydrogen Technology Development Workshop with the National Energy Council
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Protected: Pre-Test Survey Workshop ISO 50006 EnB & EnPI CASE
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Road to ISEW 2023: Raising the Public’s Awareness to Participate in Reducing Carbon Emissions in Indonesia
From Imagining Indonesia without emission through the Mirror of the Future and raising the awareness of the public through Kalkulator Karbon, Project CASE for Southeast Asia hosted a public campaign Road to Indonesia Sustainable Energy Week (ISEW) 2023 in Car Free Day Jakarta (17/09/2023) “Project CASE was mandated to change the narratives of energy transition […]
CASE Indonesia Launched a Book to Bridge Education and Energy Transition in Indonesia
Jakarta, 15/09/2023 – Project Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy (CASE) for Southeast Asia launched a book called Mulai dari Sini: Memahami Transisi Energi di Indonesia (Start from Here: Understanding Energy Transition in Indonesia) in Jakarta’s Public Library on Wednesday (13/09/2023). Through this book, Project CASE would like to elevate the knowledge of students and the […]
Protected: Presentation Materials – CASE Emerging Technology 3: A Deep Dive on Bioenergy and Hydrogen for the Power Sector
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